This ongoing series of articles allows you to meet individuals and organizations who understand the power and potential of the modern planetarium and use this platform creatively to engage, educate, and inspire.

Erin Brady

Culp Planetarium High Point University
Zooming out to show you the entire observable universe blew my mind... and made me realize that I could work in this field.

Mark Breen

Fairbanks Planetarium
Planetariums offer a unique opportunity to immerse your audience, and yourself, in a science that spans human history.

Rod Kennedy

Casper Planetarium
Planetariums are a way to illustrate your thinking instead of just the written word.

Eric Larez

Prosser School District
Kids love to see space and the stars... Everybody can understand and look up at the sky and see stars in the sky.

Carlos Miranda

Paterson Public Schools
It's a wonderful privilege to inspire wonder and curiosity through our immersive planetarium programming.

Brian Murphy

Holcomb Planetarium Butler University
We can really be what I call 'dynamic' with the planetarium now. Even if it's a cloudy night, you can still impress the patrons.

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